• Total six books will be issued to every students, three books from the book bank for the semester and three from the circulation section retainable for a maximum period of 30 days.
  • Reference copies, CDs, Journals, Magazines are not lent to anyone, however these can be issued from the reference section on the basis of temporary issue.
  • The borrowers’ should check the books thoroughly for missing pages, pictures etc. before leaving the counter while borrowing books.
  • No book in damaged condition will be accepted from the borrower.
  • Borrower should not write anything or disfigure the book in any way.
  • Loss or damage of book must be reported to the librarian immediately and the library will collect the current price of the lost / damaged book or asked to replace by a new copy.
  • For the loss of Library ID Card students have to deposit Rs. 50.00 for duplicate ID Card.
  • Fine: Late fine beyond the due date will be Re. 1.00 per day per book.
  • Library Timings: 8:00 AM - 8:00 PM
    Issue and Return of Books: 10:00 AM - 4:30 PM
  • E-Resources Usage Policy:
    Electronic resources such as e-journals, e-books etc. can be searched and materials can be downloaded and printed as single copy of articles. Downloading and printing of a complete book or an entire issue of a volume of one or more journals ( systematic downloading is strictly prohibited).